Staying motivated to lose weight feels like a rollercoaster.
As a personal trainer and online coach, I've seen many people start their weight loss journey with incredible enthusiasm, only to have their motivation fizzle out weeks later.
I get it…I was there myself about ten years ago.
What most folks don't realize is that motivation isn't something you either have or don't have. The hardest part of achieving sustainable weight loss isn’t finding motivation – it’s keeping it when life throws curveballs your way.
And that's what we'll talk about in this article.
I'll share some proven techniques that have helped my clients push through plateaus, overcome setbacks, and get lasting results.
As my girl Aly Raisman says:
“The Hard Days Are What Make You Stronger”
5 Tips for Keeping Your Weight Loss Motivation High
After years of training people of all ages, I know that keeping your motivation tank full and being patient is key to achieving weight loss goals. Let's get to the strategies backed by science and my own experience that will help you throughout your weight loss journey.
Revisit Your Core Motivation Regularly
When people come to me for the first time, most can't explain why they want to lose weight. They'll say things like “to look better” or “to be healthier,” but those are surface-level reasons.
Your core motivation needs to hit deeper. If you haven't found your WHY yet, here are some inspiring reasons to lose weight.
Next, create what I call a “Motivation Anchor.”
This isn't your typical vision board with random fitness models. Instead, write a letter to yourself detailing exactly how your life will change when you reach your goals:
From the way you'll feel walking into a room to everything you'll enjoy without thinking twice about your weight.
Some clients keep this letter in their phone's notes app and set a daily reminder to read it. Others record themselves reading it and play it during the day.
I know it might sound cheesy, but it works. In fact, a 16-week weight loss study has proved that self-motivated people are more likely to lose weight than those motivated by external factors.
Of course, your weight loss inspiration might shift as you progress, and that's perfectly normal. What matters is keeping your motivation anchor fresh and meaningful to you.
Track Your Progress in Multiple Forms
What always drives me nuts is people obsessing over the number on their scale.
I've trained people who didn't lose a pound for weeks but dropped two dress sizes. Fixating on the scale, like being obsessed with counting calories, can mess with your head, which is why I also wrote an article on cutting calories without counting.
So, please ditch the daily weigh-ins and focus on progress that actually matters.
Take those monthly photos (even though you might hate doing it first). Track how many push-ups you can do or how far you can walk without getting winded.
Yesterday, a middle-aged lady I train told me she no longer needs her afternoon coffee…that's progress. She also takes SKALD, which is packed with natural weight loss compounds, boosting her energy, but still.
You can also track your energy levels, sleep quality, and mood after workouts. Some even track their productivity at work or how often they play with their kids.
Include some performance goals you can track. Instead of just saying, “I want to lose 20 pounds,” add goals like “I want to do my first pull-up” or “I want to hike that trail.”
The point is to notice how your weight loss efforts positively impact your whole life, not just your appearance. That's another great way to stay motivated.
Develop a Morning Routine for Weight Loss Success
To be honest, I wasn't always a morning person…far from it. But I've learned that what you do in those first hours after waking can make or break your motivation for the entire day.
As I discuss in my article “3 Fat Loss Secrets for Healthy Long-Term Success,” my morning routine isn't about forcing myself to eat or do things I hate.
If you want to follow my example, start small.
I began with just one habit: drinking warm water with lemon and honey before touching my phone. Now, my mornings flow naturally, and they're my favorite part of the day.
I put on my workout playlist (90s hip-hop tracks), read my sticky note affirmations while getting dressed, and head out for a 20-minute walk or a quick workout.
Here are some things you can do to increase your weight loss motivation in the morning.
» Hydrate First
» Quick Stretch
» Read Goals
» Blast Music
» Power Walk
» Cold Shower
» Protein Shake
» Plan Meals
I'm not saying to do these exact things…find what energizes YOU.
Some people I train prefer yoga to walking, meditation to affirmations, or podcasts to music. Whatever you choose, make it something that pulls you out of bed rather than something you must push yourself to do.
I'm not sure if you know, but morning workouts are best for losing weight.
If you want to try, lay out your workout clothes the night before. It sounds stupidly simple, but it's very effective. When your gear is ready to go, you're already halfway there.
Think and Plan Ahead for Challenging Circumstances
Let's get real. Life isn't always going to cooperate with your weight loss plans.
Birthday parties, work dinners, holidays, travel, and stress at work will happen. The difference between those who reach their goals and those who don’t?
The winners have a game plan ready!
I teach my clients to do scenario planning. For example:
When you have a work dinner coming up, check out the restaurant menu beforehand and decide what to order. For trips, pack raw bars or green tea to suppress your appetite and locate nearby grocery stores at your destination.
Don't think of those as restrictions but preparations.
A young lady I trained struggled with late-night snacking when work got hectic. Instead of telling her to just “be stronger,” we created a stress-management toolkit: herbal tea, a 5-minute breathing exercise, and a list of non-food activities she actually enjoys.
If work stress hits you often, be sure to have options that don't involve raiding the pantry.
Have a balanced approach to social events and enjoy these occasions without derailing your weight loss progress. Maybe you'll have that slice of birthday cake, but you'll also bring a healthy dish to share and focus on catching up with friends rather than camping out at the buffet.
All you gotta do is be prepared. When you have strategies ready for life's curveballs, you're less likely to let temporary setbacks become permanent and lose motivation.
That's what sustained weight loss is really about.
Make Friends with Others Trying to Lose Weight
I'll never forget Cindy. She was crushing her workouts but struggling with self-motivation at home.
Then something interesting happened…her co-worker Jessica joined our training group. Suddenly, their lunch breaks turned into salad-prep sessions, and their daily chats became strategy meetings. They set mutual, realistic, and achievable goals and hit them way faster than I expected.
Most weight loss articles won’t tell you this…you don’t need family members to be your cheerleaders.
You need to connect with people who get it. Folks who understand why you're passing on the office donuts or why hitting a new personal record in the gym feels like winning the lottery.
That's not something I discovered…it's supported by research. This study shows that approximately 65% of participants in community-based weight loss programs succeeded.
In my training groups, we've developed this cool system where everyone shares their motivation hacks and weekly victories. They give each other new ideas and hold each other accountable.
Things really change if you can make your weight loss journey not a solo mission.
There are so many things you can do as a team, even a team of two. Create weekly challenges, split the cost of healthy online cooking classes, or meet up for Saturday morning farmers' market runs.
Celebrations are also different when you're with people who understand how hard is to lose weight. Instead of food-focused rewards, you can do group hiking trips, spa days, or shopping for new workout gear together…just to give you a few examples.
These shared experiences help you stay motivated and become part of your success story.
Time to Wrap It Up
I hope my battle-tested weight loss motivation tips will help you transform your life.
Remember that motivation is a skill you build, not a magical feeling that strikes like lightning. The path won't always be straight, and some days will test your resolve more than others. But with the right mindset, you'll build momentum that will carry you forward, even on tough days.
Ready to dive deeper?
Check out my article 5 Facts for Losing Weight You Must Know to Succeed.
It's packed with game-changing insights that complement everything we've covered here.