I hope you read the full title and landed on this page because you're tired of all those “fat loss secrets” that leave you feeling frustrated and defeated.

Losing weight can be a very tough battle.

I've felt that with my body several times and saw it on the faces of many people I trained over the years. So, I thought sharing my perspective would help you.

Let me make one thing clear from the get-go:

I'm not going to hit you with fad diets or extreme workouts for quick weight loss. Instead, I'll help you cultivate the right mindset for healthy long-term weight management.

As Robert Collier once said:

“Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out”

If you really want to lose weight and stick to it, these secrets will set you up for lasting success!

1. Ignore Promises for Quick Fat Loss

We've all seen those flashy ads and shredded YouTubers promising you can burn body fat in a week. But hear me out…quick fixes rarely lead to sustainable weight loss, and many hide significant risks.

Several years ago, I fell for one of those weight loss myths.

I tried a low-carb diet that was supposed to help me lose fat fast. Sure, I dropped a few pounds initially, but it didn't take long before I was back to my old weight, plus some extra belly fat for good measure. Then, I had to work out twice as hard for the rest of the winter.

The same applies to jumping into super intense workouts when you haven't been in a gym before. It's like trying to sprint a marathon without training. Your body isn't used to that level of physical activity, and you might end up with injuries or extreme fatigue.

And I know you want to hear about supplements, right?

There's nothing wrong with supporting your efforts for a healthy weight, but you’ve got to see what you’re putting into your body. Have you looked at the names of Amazon's top-rated fat burners?

“Extreme,” “Advanced,” “Super,” – those are power words used to promote weight loss supplements to folks desperate for quick results. They see some changes in a week, leave glowing reviews, and can't wait to tell everyone in the gym how effective this and that is.

You know what happens a month later…crickets!

Often, these products are packed with stimulants that can mess with your heart rate and overall health. So, if you want to use supplements, learn how to make informed choices.

The truth is that losing weight in a healthy way happens with a slow and steady approach. Your body needs to adjust gradually to food intake and physical activity changes.

quick weight loss solutions harm you in the long term

2. Don't Eat or Do Things That You Hate

I'm sure you're aware that ignoring highly processed foods is a must. But eating what you love when trying to lose weight is possible, and it keeps your emotions in check.

You don't have to choke down kale salads if they make you gag. There are plenty of delicious alternatives that can still help you take in fewer calories. Maintaining a balanced diet doesn't mean force-feeding yourself stuff you hate.

Spicy foods, for example, support the thermogenesis in your body. I don't like curry, so I eat chili peppers instead. If you're not a coffee person, drink green tea to boost the fat burning process. And for healthy fats, the options are unlimited…nuts, seeds, oils, etc.

Eat healthy foods, but only those that you like. It will make your weight loss journey much easier.

The situation with exercising is similar. Sooo many things you can do in or outdoors.

Morning workouts are the best to lose weight because they kickstart your daily metabolism. But If dragging yourself out of bed at 6 AM feels like torture, perhaps it's not your thing.

Strength training isn't just for building muscle mass. It helps with fat burning, too. But lifting weights isn't for everyone either. I once trained a lady who loathed the gym. No problem…we focused on primal movement exercises like mountain climbers and body weight squats. She loved it and saw great results.

One thing I'm certain about is that consistency beats intensity every time. So, find the physical activities that you enjoy and can stick with for the long term.

3. Develop Healthy Habits and Stick to Them

And here comes the biggest fat burning secret – Creating good, sustainable habits!

I'm sure you already have some ideas about foods you love and can add to a healthy diet…and activities you enjoy that will help you burn fat. Or perhaps you consider fasting. Why not…it works for many.

Start trying things out and keep experimenting until you see what feels right for you.

No trainer or nutritionist can give you better advice than your own body, so listen and trust it. That's how you'll come up with the most effective diet or exercise regimen for losing weight.

Now, when I say developing healthy habits and sticking to them, I don't mean eating the same things for the next six months. Although my breakfast has been oatmeal with yogurt and bananas for years…but that's me.

Doing the same exercises won't be effective for too long either, as your body will get used to them. But again, there are so many ways to stay active and burn calories, even if you never step foot in a gym.

Snow shoveling is a great example. You can torch up to 500 calories per hour. Amazing, isn't it?

If you're reading this during the winter, check out my article on the best activities to burn calories in the cold. There are many more surprises inside, like ways to burn fat while having fun with your kids. And here is another one for those who enjoy outdoor activities during the summer.

Let's Wrap It Up

I hope you got the point I tried to make in this article: Your path to desirable body weight is unique to you. Embrace it, experiment, and most importantly, enjoy it.

And keep reminding yourself that losing weight in a healthy way takes time, dedication and patience.

If you're looking for a little help along the way, I strongly recommend the BELDT Labs SKALD. It's a fat burner containing all natural ingredients with a moderate dosage…definitely not a magic pill!

It's designed to support your weight loss efforts in an unharmful way, and you get a 60-day money back guarantee.

So, there is nothing to lose, apart from some body fat!

morning workout tips