common myths about weight and fat loss

Whether you're trying to lose weight or just burn fat, there are a lot of myths to ignore.

Over the last 20 years, I've seen many people led by misconceptions. They got up early, played the hunger games, left sweat and tears in the gym…Eventually, most got discouraged and quit.

You don't want to be one of them, right?

In this blog post, I'm going to clear up 9 common myths about weight and fat loss.

Yes, our metabolism and body composition are different…But these are prevalent misconceptions that not only I but many experts in the field advise you to ignore.

Let's get straight to the point.

1. All Calories Are Your Enemies

The idea that all calories are equal is a huge simplification that doesn’t account for the complexities.

Sure, the principle of caloric deficit is the foundation of fat loss. However, the source and makeup of those calories impact your metabolism in a different way.

In other words, not all sources have the same effect on hunger, satiety, and hormones that control your body weight. Let me give you an example:

Protein calories are more satiating than carbohydrate or fat calories. Thus, they can reduce overall calorie intake and optimize hormones affecting body fat distribution.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that more protein will help you lose weight.

The concept of a calorie is a basic measurement of energy. It doesn’t account for the different metabolic pathways and physiological responses to macronutrients.

A calorie from nutrient-dense foods is not the same as a calorie from highly processed foods.

2. The Linear Weight Loss Myth

Contrary to popular belief, the journey towards sustainable weight loss is rarely a linear progression.

The human body is a dynamic system. As such, it's subject to fluctuations and adjustments in response to internal and external factors.

I've worked with many people who experienced weight stagnation. Some even started to gain weight for a week or so and then went through long periods of active weight loss.

Don't focus on short-term deviations. It will discourage you and undermine your long-term commitment.

As long as the overall trend is downward, you're doing a good job. Consider temporary setbacks natural occurrences rather than indications of failure.

3. Supplements Will Do All the Work

The weight loss supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar behemoth.

I have no problem with that…What annoys me is that it's fueled by promises of rapid and effortless transformation. My experience tells a different story.

While a handful of supplements can assist you when trying to burn fat or lose weight…The efficiency of others is nothing but hype created by skilled marketers.

The FDA restricts manufacturers from using substances that are bad for your health. But they can't stop them from using the placebo effect.

» Approach weight loss and fat burning supplements with a critical eye.

» Get familiar with the ingredients that make these supplements effective.

» Don't believe in magic pills. Use quality products to support your efforts.

4. The Myth About Obesity and Willpower

The idea that obesity is just about willpower is another common misconception. In my opinion, it has been widespread by fake internet lifestyle coaches.

I'm sure you've seen some of the quotes they use to market their services…Things like:

“Your Body Achieves What Your Mind Believes”

Many genetic variables contribute to obesity. Experts Dr. Tirissa J. Reid and Dr. Hyesoo Lowe have discussed the topic in-depth.

Long story short…When our biological mechanisms get out of whack, maintaining and losing weight becomes a tough battle.

Not to be ignored but we need to see obesity as a whole and not just a matter of willpower.

5. Healthy Diet and Exercise is All You Need

I'm sure you've heard of the “eat less, move more” panacea for healthy weight.

It makes sense, but there is a problem…It fails to capture the nuances of the human body's response to exercise and caloric restriction.

Thus, I consider it one of the most common weight loss myths.

A combination of healthy foods and physical activity is very beneficial for every one of us. However, relying solely on this advice can be counterproductive for individuals with serious weight issues.

As Steven Lamm, MD, states in an article titled “When Diet & Exercise Aren't Enough

“Overweight people lose weight all the time, but they rarely achieve an optimal weight”

I've seen healthy people going on restrictive fad diets in an attempt to burn fat facing similar issues. They get short-term results but often can't control their appetite…A few months later, they are in a worse situation.

A much better approach is to combine healthy eating and a good exercise routine with quality supplements.

The BELDT Labs Ultimate Weight Loss Stack, for example, contains vitamins, herbs, and nutrients that reduce appetite, increase energy, and more.

A formula that helps you lose body fat and build muscle in a sustainable way.

the carbs weight loss myth

6. Cut the Carbs to Lose Weight

I'm not sure how it happened, but carbs have been demonized!

Many folks believe cutting out or severely restricting carbohydrates is the way to lose weight. They're wrong, and here is why:

While low-carb diets can lead to weight loss (at least initially), this isn’t because of the carbs themselves. It’s often because of the overall calorie reduction and increase in protein that comes with it.

I can't believe that people who have been training others for years still haven't realized that's a myth.

I mean, how can you ignore the fact that…Unprocessed carb sources like fruits, veggies, and whole grains are essential nutrients for overall health.

Carbohydrates play a vital role in a healthy diet.

The key is to differentiate between fiber-rich carb sources and their refined counterparts. The latter can lead to weight gain and metabolic imbalances.

7. Dietary Fat is Always Bad

Another popular disbelief.

Yes, saturated fat is part of the unhealthy foods we all should try to avoid. Healthy fats can contribute to weight gain if you consume too much…Also true. But replacing all instances of fat with protein, veggies, and healthy carbs…That's far from a well-balanced diet.

Numerous studies have proven that diets rich in healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, salmon, etc., can actually promote weight loss.

Try to maintain portion control and overall caloric balance, and you'll be fine.

8. The Never Skip Breakfast Myth

I remember my mom telling me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

It sure is…If you do heavy physical work or intense weight-lifting in the morning. But what if you do cardio with the goal of losing weight or burning fat?

Some studies claim that breakfast skippers tend to be associated with higher body weights. Others show that whether an individual eats or skips breakfast has little to no direct impact.

What I know from personal experience and emphasized in my “How Does Fat Burning Work” article is:

Without breakfast, you're in a calorie deficit. But your body still needs energy as you do cardio, right? It taps into fat stores instead and burns it to get that energy.

Either way, I'm not saying skipping breakfast is a must. You should make this decision based on factors related to your lifestyle.

My goal was to debunk the never skip breakfast myth.

9. Fast Food is Never a Good Choice

The perception that all fast food is unhealthy and incompatible with weight loss goals is outdated.

Yes, the calorie-dense and nutrient-poor junk is still there, but the industry has evolved. In response to growing health consciousness, many fast-food chains have introduced healthier options.

Actually, I've been eating at such joints much more often lately. Many establishments now offer salads, grilled proteins, and whole grains.

So, if you're seeking convenience without compromising health goals, you'll find something.

If not, you can always grab a kid's meal at McDonald's…lol.

The Wrap Up

These aren't all, but just the most common weight and fat loss myths I wanted to dispel.

No matter your goals, I recommend always focusing on evidence-based strategies. That's the road towards lasting health and well-being.

There is no lack of proven methods. For some folks, fasting may work to reduce body fat. Others may need a combination of a low-calorie diet and regular exercise to lose weight.

Get to know your body well, do your due diligence, and if you need something to help you achieve optimal results…Check out these top-rated products!